wagoner county sheriff
307 E. Cherokee St., Wagoner, OK 74467

Phone: 918-485-3124

For Emergencies Dial 911

prescription drug care

Inmate Medical Services

Wagoner County Jail provides medical service 24/7 on site. We strive to provide a higher level of care and service to those who are incarcerated. The medical staff consists of a medical doctor, Licensed practical nurses, EMTs, and CNAs. All medical staff members are sheriffs' office employees.

Medical fees are withdrawn from the inmates commissary account, unless the inmate is deemed indigent. For indigent inmates, medical fees are added onto their court costs and fines. There is no charge for the inmate to be seen by the medical assistant or nurse.

Medical Fees are as Follows

Department of Corrections inmates will not be billed for medical expenses by the county.

Inmates sentenced to this facility for 6 months or longer shall pay $4.00 per month for each medication versus paying $4.00 per week.

Any financial cost of pre-existing medical conditions resulting from a self-inflicted incident, will be the responsibility of the inmate.

Outside medications may only be given to the inmate once approved by the medical staff and must be in the original prescription bottle with the inmate's name on the label.

Due to HIPAA laws, jail staff may not notify any persons of an inmate's medical condition without written consent from the inmate.

For further information, please contact the medical staff at 918-485-7734.

Medical Service Cost
Office Visit with the Physician $8.00
Medical Procedure $12.00
Prescription $4.00/week
Over the Counter Medication $4.00/week
Daily Care $10.00/month
Detox Protocol (Includes medication and blood pressure monitoring x 1 week) $12.00

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